Tag: emotions

Path to Freedom More Than Surface Dusting

Spring Clean A Path To Freedom

Where do we begin our path to freedom? While the false front suggests that cleaning up the outside will fix your woes, true liberation is not an external process. Clean the baseboards, wash the walls, and, yes, eliminate the scuzzy food particles that take up residence, and grow between your stovetop and counter to get your inner energy stirring. It will not free you, however, from the self-imposed chains that bind you. No amount of outer tidying purifies the inward contaminants of distorted thinking and harbored emotions. Human nature compels us to set right what we deem disagreeable or foul. …

Sugar Addiction

My Secret Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction, much like other addictions, involves a complex interplay between pleasure-seeking and a desire to be free of inner angst. Sugar often serves as a distraction, a means to self-soothe, and can be unconsciously and compulsively consumed. Eating sugar releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasurable reward, and thus reinforces the desire to consume more of it! Frequently eating high-sugar foods amplifies cravings. A secret ‘drug’ of choice for many, its insidiously addictive nature may be disguised, within packaging that has an alluring innocence. Heed caution when entertaining the lollipops of the world, for they are truly sheep in wolf’s …

Therapeutic Cathartic Movement

Guided Boxing For Therapeutic Cathartic Movement

For hundreds of clients who’ve experienced the therapeutic benefit of cathartic movement through boxing with me, there is no doubt about its transformative effects. Still, I’ve grappled with how to define what it is that I actually do for work. How can I explain that boxing is a healing modality? Over the last several years, Somatic therapy or Somatic release has become the new therapy of choice for those seeking relief from PTSD and stress-related “disorders”. Finally, a shift from outdated ineffectual talk therapies and drug pushing to recognizing the importance of the mind-body connection. Sharing personal experiences, especially those …

Transmute Energy with a Burning Ritual

Transmute Energy With a Burning Ritual

Burning items with intention will transmute energy connected to them. To live more intentionally, increase your awareness of how things impact your life energetically. This process is done more easily by clearly identifying your main life objectives. You will likely come up with goals in health, career, relationships, family, and abundance. Knowing how you’d like to grow moving forward is key to assessing which items energetically support or hinder that growth. What to Burn? Intentionally Transmute Energy of Items That Block Your Growth. Begin by making a list of your general desires, goals, and intentions. Gently reflect on how you …

New Beginnings: The Battle with a Bureau

An anecdotal story that illustrates how our inner world is reflected in the things and environments around us. New beginnings, new perspectives, a new life can be sparked by slight external adjustments. Changes made externally are catalysts for shifts inwardly and vice versa. I’ve capitalized the word Bureau here because it doesn’t have a proper name. Doing so may add to its impish pride. The arrival A few years ago, I responded to a ‘free-cycle’ listing for an antique Bureau. There was an outpouring of interest; however, the elderly owner had chosen only me to look at the vintage item. …

Mind Body Wellness: Beware of Illness Energy

The mind body wellness connection is always at work and too often in the direction of what is not desired. Just as everything created outside oneself has been fed energetically by thought and emotion, so has every ailment of the mind and body. To experience wellness, one must conjure the feelings associated with health and a pain-free existence. Yet, for many, their life experiences have been wired in an expectation of physical compromise and ill health. Whatever we focus on expands (Where Focus Goes Energy Flows! Focus & Create). For most, shifting focus toward one’s desired outcomes outside oneself feels …

Personal Responsibility for Healing Self and the Planet

Isn’t it time that we recognize and appreciate that all humanity is bonded together by source energy?! Healing self and beyond requires you to take ownership of your source power. As we rest our thoughts upon our wishes of peace for ourselves, our families, and beyond, the truth of our innate interconnectedness is revealed. Any disruption of peace brought forth by outside influence is connected to aspects within us. Attending to and healing the conflict within is the single most effective way to bring greater harmony to all that exists outside of us. Ownership of Your Source Power “I’m part of this.” …

How to Trust in Yourself by Finding Your Inner Compass

A key component for how to trust in yourself is finding your inner compass and maintaining a connection to it. The Solar Plexus is often referred to as the ‘seat of personal power. ‘Experiences in early childhood will largely influence one’s connection to this energy center. Energetic imbalances or ‘blocks’ may manifest in ways that negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of personal power. Outwardly, one may express apathy, insecurity, or a seemingly opposite extreme of seeking power and control. Often this disconnection results in a lack of body awareness and diminishes the ability ‘to know’ based on …

Empowerment Coaching. How to Stop Giving Your Power Away

Empowerment Coaching will help you to anchor into your authentic personal power. In doing so, you may stop giving your power away to inner and outer demons, imaginary or self-created. Keep your energy as high as possible, making sure not to meet your “enemy” (whoever or whatever that may be) with the same negative energy. What harms us is giving our power to a perceived threat or antagonist. Extend compassion to self, avoid focusing your attention on what feels harmful, set healthy boundaries with others, and relax…, “good” wins.   You Have No Power Here. Begone, Before Someone Drops A House …

Release of Suppressed Emotion Thru Movement

To live fully is to honor and experience the full range of human emotions. By allowing for the channeling of suppressed emotion, you provide a space for those vibrations to shift, move, and pass. Imagine how liberating it will be to entertain your emotional life in ways that allow greater self-acceptance.   Strong emotional reactions or underlying vibrations of fear, anger, or rage are part of the human experience. Denying those aspects of your inner world does not allow for appropriate channeling, release, or healing to occur. The adverse effects of withholding are substantial to self and still felt vibrationally by …