How do you find joy? You make discovering it a priority over everything else. To do this, reassign the meaning you attach to people and circumstances that make you feel troubled. Change your interpretations so that what once caused anxiety now strengthens you. As you master this new way of explaining your world, it will transform your perception, offering you peace and purpose. You will then find joy in reflecting the light you see back to those who need it the most. Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from …
Addiction to News: A Drug of Hate & Division
At this time in history, millions of people saturate themselves in a barrage of sensationalized news content daily. Addiction to news increases the propensity toward viewing and rehashing information that affirms one’s opinions and beliefs. Reading or listening to content that carries an emotional charge affects our physiology. These physiological responses sound an alarm and release the neurochemicals that cause us to react. Our reptilian brain interprets this as a matter of life or death! However, it does not prime us to consider the integrity of the source (Use Higher Knowledge: A Rare Credible Source), contemplating another’s perspective, or any …
Quality Matters, Don’t Settle For Less!
Quality matters in what you consume and purchase, the thoughts you hold, and the conversations you entertain. Election season challenges our integrity. It presents black-and-white equations that pull us into garbage thinking and low-value conversations. Are you allowing outside chatter to sour your thoughts and emotions? Do you trade quality for convenience? It’s our responsibility to decide that quality matters enough to make high-value choices, especially when presented with very few. Prioritize your personal quality above all else and it will support your highest visions for a better future. You make the greatest contribution, embodying the quality you seek. The …
Who’s at High Risk of Being Misled? You Are!
Who is at high risk of being conned into believing you need something harmful? We all are! In this upside-down world of wellness, big business, big money, and direct-to-consumer drug advertising, we are in danger of having our values shaped by the man behind the curtain. The wellness economy has a lot to say about what you should value and how that translates into what you should invest in. The closer you look at the products and services you consume to support your wellness, the more you’ll discover misalignment. Let the process of grounded awareness, coupled with a critical look …
Flexibility With Personal Goals Fixes Your Flow
You may approach your personal goals with every intention of adhering to routines and habits that allow for flow and ease. Just then, as life will have it, the unexpected happens! Achieving balance in life requires the freedom to adapt plans, sometimes without notice. How willing and able you flex with change shapes your experiences and influences outcomes. Rigidity impedes energetic flow. Regularly reassess your personal goals even when there are no fires to put out to maintain balance and avoid stalled or leaky energy. Personal Goals and Plan B, C or D! One of my personal goals is to …
Spring Clean A Path To Freedom
Where do we begin our path to freedom? While the false front suggests that cleaning up the outside will fix your woes, true liberation is not an external process. Clean the baseboards, wash the walls, and, yes, eliminate the scuzzy food particles that take up residence, and grow between your stovetop and counter to get your inner energy stirring. It will not free you, however, from the self-imposed chains that bind you. No amount of outer tidying purifies the inward contaminants of distorted thinking and harbored emotions. Human nature compels us to set right what we deem disagreeable or foul. …
Sign of Intelligence? Perception vs Truth
A sign of intelligence may reveal itself as something much different from mental ability. At times, it is masked behind disorganization, impulsivity, or emotionality. We have measures to evaluate various types of intellect and attribute academic success as a sign of intelligence. While these indicators lend some credence, a deeper look suggests one’s observation provides only a narrow scope of a person’s ability to gain and apply knowledge. A more significant sign of intelligence is our ability to look beyond this, and instead of reducing a person to a perception, point of view, or belief, honor the complexity of each …
Your Higher Self: Master Your Divining Rod
Your Higher Self is the highest calibrated system to get it right, in real-time, every time! To live a meaningful life and experience fulfillment, learn how to go within and up to receive guidance. Instead of handing the divining rod over to people and entities outside yourself, master the path of connection to your higher self, and this will allow the beauty of your life to flow and unfold with ease. In connection with your higher self, you are less reactive, more grounded, and loving. These are the moments when you feel greater peace, more assured, and look back without …
My Secret Sugar Addiction
Sugar addiction, much like other addictions, involves a complex interplay between pleasure-seeking and a desire to be free of inner angst. Sugar often serves as a distraction, a means to self-soothe, and can be unconsciously and compulsively consumed. Eating sugar releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasurable reward, and thus reinforces the desire to consume more of it! Frequently eating high-sugar foods amplifies cravings. A secret ‘drug’ of choice for many, its insidiously addictive nature may be disguised, within packaging that has an alluring innocence. Heed caution when entertaining the lollipops of the world, for they are truly sheep in wolf’s …
Practice Gratitude For Wellness: 7 Solid Tips
When you practice gratitude, your life’s energy begins to shift. It will improve your health, enhance your relationships, and increase your abundance. Most people are grateful for what they have and appreciative of the people in their lives. While this is true, the benefits that come from practicing gratitude may become overshadowed by thoughts of lack and a desire to have more. When you begin to intentionally practice gratitude in all ways of being, the transformation set into motion is nothing less than miraculous. So, Let’s Begin! 1. Reframe Annoyances and Practice Gratitude With Intentional Refocusing Check your attitude and …