Free Thinking You Are The Universe Live Your Best Life

Use Free Thinking For Empowered Living

As the new year begins, commitment to free thinking sets the tone for empowered changes. An open mind without the limitations of belief transforms perceptions. January is the month of resolutions, new beginnings, and renewed dedication to maintaining healthy habits. Many of us are returning to self-care routines and personal goals that got lost somewhere between the spiked eggnog and second helpings of our favorite holiday meal. Some are still there among the missing or hibernating. Free thinking challenges us to reevaluate our convictions and shows us there’s no one way to live right. It also helps us to get …

Fulfilling Winter Activities on A Budget

5 Fulfilling Winter Activities on a Budget

The best-loved winter activities cost very little, yet feel meaningful and rouse joy. When thinking about making the most of the winter months, entertain ideas that ignite a creative spark and provide opportunities for enriching connections. Find quality in simplicity and appreciation. Some of the most worthwhile winter activities require very little monetary investment. Invest in pricey tickets, or holiday-themed events only if you love to ski or find going to the Nutcracker delightful. Otherwise, consider a few modest ways of enjoying this season. Discover that the finest memories come with a frugal price tag. The Best Part of That …

Conscious Creation Thought Comes Before Form Choose Your Reality

Conscious Creation From What’s Foul

Conscious creation requires a look beyond the reality we see so we may envision the future we aspire to build. When your attention brings forth softening and mindfulness within the present moment, you’re primed to experience what you most desire in the future. Where are your thoughts and emotions focused right now? It’s influencing what is to come. So if your future doesn’t look the way you want, consider redirecting your focus away from what you dislike. Don’t fight what you deem foul. Conscious creation begins with the desire to actualize something new. Stop bracing in fear and start upgrading …

Be Mindful

Be Mindful Within a Distracted World & Live Better

To be mindful instead of mind-full, reactive, or mentally absent is a worthwhile challenge. A busy world has people frenzied, immersed in their tasks, and preoccupied with their next assignments. We all get wrapped up in our doings and miss a lot. Prioritize slowing down to foster a way of being that enriches meaningful living. To be mindful is to taste your food, notice when your friend gets a haircut, or that the mountain laurel on your street has more blooms than last season. Present within our senses, we become conscious of the beauty of simplicity regardless of the complexities …

Find Joy Within the Snapshots of Us

Find Joy in What You Choose to See

How do you find joy? You make discovering it a priority over everything else. To do this, reassign the meaning you attach to people and circumstances that make you feel troubled. Change your interpretations so that what once caused anxiety now strengthens you. As you master this new way of explaining your world, it will transform your perception, offering you peace and purpose. You will then find joy in reflecting the light you see back to those who need it the most. Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from …

Addiction to News

Addiction to News: A Drug of Hate & Division

At this time in history, millions of people saturate themselves in a barrage of sensationalized news content daily. Addiction to news increases the propensity toward viewing and rehashing information that affirms one’s opinions and beliefs. Reading or listening to content that carries an emotional charge affects our physiology. These physiological responses sound an alarm and release the neurochemicals that cause us to react. Our reptilian brain interprets this as a matter of life or death! However, it does not prime us to consider the integrity of the source (Use Higher Knowledge: A Rare Credible Source), contemplating another’s perspective, or any …

Quality Matters Don't For Less

Quality Matters, Don’t Settle For Less!

Quality matters in what you consume and purchase, the thoughts you hold, and the conversations you entertain. Election season challenges our integrity. It presents black-and-white equations that pull us into garbage thinking and low-value conversations. Are you allowing outside chatter to sour your thoughts and emotions? Do you trade quality for convenience? It’s our responsibility to decide that quality matters enough to make high-value choices, especially when presented with very few. Prioritize your personal quality above all else and it will support your highest visions for a better future. You make the greatest contribution, embodying the quality you seek. The …

Who is At High Risk of Being Misled? You Are! Household Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Processed Foods

Who’s at High Risk of Being Misled? You Are!

Who is at high risk of being conned into believing you need something harmful? We all are! In this upside-down world of wellness, big business, big money, and direct-to-consumer drug advertising, we are in danger of having our values shaped by the man behind the curtain. The wellness economy has a lot to say about what you should value and how that translates into what you should invest in. The closer you look at the products and services you consume to support your wellness, the more you’ll discover misalignment. Let the process of grounded awareness, coupled with a critical look …

Flexibility with Personal Goals Stay in Flow Beaver Energy Purposeful Industry

Flexibility With Personal Goals Fixes Your Flow

You may approach your personal goals with every intention of adhering to routines and habits that allow for flow and ease. Just then, as life will have it, the unexpected happens! Achieving balance in life requires the freedom to adapt plans, sometimes without notice. How willing and able you flex with change shapes your experiences and influences outcomes. Rigidity impedes energetic flow. Regularly reassess your personal goals even when there are no fires to put out to maintain balance and avoid stalled or leaky energy. Personal Goals and Plan B, C or D! One of my personal goals is to …

Path to Freedom More Than Surface Dusting

Spring Clean A Path To Freedom

Where do we begin our path to freedom? While the false front suggests that cleaning up the outside will fix your woes, true liberation is not an external process. Clean the baseboards, wash the walls, and, yes, eliminate the scuzzy food particles that take up residence, and grow between your stovetop and counter to get your inner energy stirring. It will not free you, however, from the self-imposed chains that bind you. No amount of outer tidying purifies the inward contaminants of distorted thinking and harbored emotions. Human nature compels us to set right what we deem disagreeable or foul. …