Tag: simplicity

Fulfilling Winter Activities on A Budget

5 Fulfilling Winter Activities on a Budget

The best-loved winter activities cost very little, yet feel meaningful and rouse joy. When thinking about making the most of the winter months, entertain ideas that ignite a creative spark and provide opportunities for enriching connections. Find quality in simplicity and appreciation. Some of the most worthwhile winter activities require very little monetary investment. Invest in pricey tickets, or holiday-themed events only if you love to ski or find going to the Nutcracker delightful. Otherwise, consider a few modest ways of enjoying this season. Discover that the finest memories come with a frugal price tag. The Best Part of That …

How to Live the Happiest Life: Appreciation

Life is precious. Appreciation has the power to show us how to live the happiest life. All in creation is impermanent, so if you’re not feeling so good, know that conditions are destined to change, AND if you are feeling good, be sure and notice, appreciate and enjoy those moments, as those conditions will also change. Keep expectations positive. Change needn’t be scary. Trust that by releasing any attachments to keeping things the same, you allow yourself to embrace the goodness within each moment more fully. Nothing in the distance is worth missing the moment. While important for planning, future-focused …