Tag: Estelle Bonaceto

How to Trust in Yourself by Finding Your Inner Compass

A key component for how to trust in yourself is finding your inner compass and maintaining a connection to it. The Solar Plexus is often referred to as the ‘seat of personal power. ‘Experiences in early childhood will largely influence one’s connection to this energy center. Energetic imbalances or ‘blocks’ may manifest in ways that negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of personal power. Outwardly, one may express apathy, insecurity, or a seemingly opposite extreme of seeking power and control. Often this disconnection results in a lack of body awareness and diminishes the ability ‘to know’ based on …

Empowerment Coaching. How to Stop Giving Your Power Away

Empowerment Coaching will help you to anchor into your authentic personal power. In doing so, you may stop giving your power away to inner and outer demons, imaginary or self-created. Keep your energy as high as possible, making sure not to meet your “enemy” (whoever or whatever that may be) with the same negative energy. What harms us is giving our power to a perceived threat or antagonist. Extend compassion to self, avoid focusing your attention on what feels harmful, set healthy boundaries with others, and relax…, “good” wins.   You Have No Power Here. Begone, Before Someone Drops A House …