Violet Flame For Healing
Sessions of the Violet Flame for healing will help you exercise your spiritual muscles and increasingly elevate you into higher consciousness. It can be used with intensity to accelerate your intentions and transformative impact.

THE VIOLET FLAME is a high-frequency spiritual tool used for transmutation, purification, self-healing, and the removal of Karmic “clutter.” It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom, and transmutation. It may be invoked for oneself or sent to people, places, and situations in need of protection and ‘balancing.’ Using the Violet Flame will help you align with the most authentic and powerful aspect of yourself.

Contact Estelle to Book a Session Time
Sessions start at $65/hour. Please click here for more pricing information.
ALL are equal in value, with no exceptions.
In the greater understanding of our spiritual selves, this is an easily understood higher truth. Within the condition of being human, fear drives many of our thoughts, and ego needs demand to be met. Through misqualified emotional and mental energies and actions, insensitive treatment of various parts of life will be reflected in our outer environment. Collective hatred, opportunism, and inhumane treatment toward any being are not in harmony with natural laws.
The Violet Flame For Healing Heals Beyond Self

THROUGH THIS RIGHT ACTION, we vibrationally align with the creative energy that will bring forth the changes we wish to see externally.
Decrees Are a Strong & Effective Spiritual Tool, (Read more here)
“We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become. Greatness comes from within. It is the courage to change oneself.”
David R Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D
Our highest consciousness, that fragment of us containing ALL wisdom, power, and love, is within, above, and around us. Learn to align with these higher vibrations and your impact will increasingly reach beyond self, to all life and situations you wish to heal.
This gift you give to yourself and the world is the right use of power at the right time.
Do You Have Questions?
I look forward to introducing you to this powerful, transformative and healing tool. Please reach out with questions or to schedule your first introductory session.
Wishing you much healing, empowerment and peace as you work toward taking greater energetic self-mastery.