Personal Responsibility for Healing Self and the Planet

Isn’t it time that we recognize and appreciate that all humanity is bonded together by source energy?! Healing self and beyond requires you to take ownership of your source power. As we rest our thoughts upon our wishes of peace for ourselves, our families, and beyond, the truth of our innate interconnectedness is revealed. Any disruption of peace brought forth by outside influence is connected to aspects within us. Attending to and healing the conflict within is the single most effective way to bring greater harmony to all that exists outside of us. Ownership of Your Source Power “I’m part of this.” …

Use Higher Knowledge: A Rare Credible Source

All is not what it appears, and finding a credible source is often more difficult than simply collecting ‘facts.’ Come into the knowing of your larger purpose here: that of embodying the higher aspects of self. Here, we may come into unity with source energy and thus connectedness with each other. When you become distracted by an attitude, an opinion, or a position, you move further from this higher purpose.  “Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos …

The Law of Attraction Manifestation: The Choice to Bless or Curse. Your Focus, Your Reality

What if you were capable of instant manifestation? Would your energy be a blessing or a curse? The law of attraction manifestation means that each of us uses our individual piece of source energy to co-create our lives, and the vibrations feed and add to the collective. If we can view our energetic contribution as neither right nor wrong, but simply life-supporting or life harming, then we may more consciously and deliberately decide the best use of our focus. Many life-harming vibrations have come from well-intended desires to assert “rightness.” Collectively, large groups of people have inflamed situations or caused …

How to Live the Happiest Life: Appreciation

Life is precious. Appreciation has the power to show us how to live the happiest life. All in creation is impermanent, so if you’re not feeling so good, know that conditions are destined to change, AND if you are feeling good, be sure and notice, appreciate and enjoy those moments, as those conditions will also change. Keep expectations positive. Change needn’t be scary. Trust that by releasing any attachments to keeping things the same, you allow yourself to embrace the goodness within each moment more fully. Nothing in the distance is worth missing the moment. While important for planning, future-focused …

How to Trust in Yourself by Finding Your Inner Compass

A key component for how to trust in yourself is finding your inner compass and maintaining a connection to it. The Solar Plexus is often referred to as the ‘seat of personal power. ‘Experiences in early childhood will largely influence one’s connection to this energy center. Energetic imbalances or ‘blocks’ may manifest in ways that negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of personal power. Outwardly, one may express apathy, insecurity, or a seemingly opposite extreme of seeking power and control. Often this disconnection results in a lack of body awareness and diminishes the ability ‘to know’ based on …

Empowerment Coaching. How to Stop Giving Your Power Away

Empowerment Coaching will help you to anchor into your authentic personal power. In doing so, you may stop giving your power away to inner and outer demons, imaginary or self-created. Keep your energy as high as possible, making sure not to meet your “enemy” (whoever or whatever that may be) with the same negative energy. What harms us is giving our power to a perceived threat or antagonist. Extend compassion to self, avoid focusing your attention on what feels harmful, set healthy boundaries with others, and relax…, “good” wins.   You Have No Power Here. Begone, Before Someone Drops A House …

Empathy in Communication: Basic Advice

Empathy in communication requires the suspension of ego-based agendas and the need to be right. The ability to recognize another’s feelings, feel those feelings as personally relatable, and respond compassionately within subsequent communication has the power to diffuse the tension in most conflicts. “Choosing with integrity means finding ways to speak up that honor your reality, the reality of others, and your willingness to meet in the center of that large field. It’s hard sometimes.” Terry Tempest Williams If we wish to be heard, we must be willing to recognize the reality of others. Our inner world, life’s experiences, inner …

Boundaries: An Important Life Skill

Setting boundaries and honoring boundaries is an important life skill. Early experiences with poor, non-existent, or inconsistent boundary-setting lead many to ignore inner sensations and knowing. If an important life skill is rarely or never modeled well, it easily becomes a skill deficit that has great impact on a persons experiences later in life. You CAN trust that what is right for you will feel right. We always have a choice to get ‘unstuck’; to leave a job or a relationship, set a limit, say “no,” or move away from a situation, location, person, or substance for our higher good. …

The Most Potent Form of Communication is Embodying Your Truth

Define Yourself By Embodying Your TRUTH. There is power in this form of communication! The longer you harbor words and ignore or stuff emotions, the more the energetic holding blocks the natural flow of creating. The withholding itself causes harm to the holder and those within the immediate environment. No amount of pretending or hiding can conceal the vibrational pollution that occurs from negative stored emotions. Authentic, honest communication is healing and empowering and has the power to heal ourselves, others, and our relationships. Communicating in this way is the beginning of embodying your truth. Harmful Communication Protecting yourself and …

Decrees Are a Strong & Effective Spiritual Tool

Essentially, a decree is a prayer repeated with building momentum, much like a mantra. It is a powerful spiritual tool you can use for personal transformation. Connected to your I AM or ‘source’ presence, the decree may be spoken with increasing intensity and focus while you visualize the purifying effects. The more you use the decrees with focus and attention, the greater the result. It may be immediately felt as heat, vibration, and emotional release within one’s body. This is how it’s experienced when used effectively. The more you decree, the higher your vibration and connection to your higher self. …